Special Education & Student Services
Special Education
Special Education services are provided to both schools within the Glendale-River Hills School District. Special education teachers and related service providers work closely with general education teachers as services are provided to children.
Special Education:
- Is not as a separate entity but in collaboration and cooperation with all staff members,
- Includes a continuum of services offered to ensure student success,
- Serves students in the least restrictive environment in which they can be successful (LRE),
- Uses a variety of techniques, strategies, and methods to address the different styles and rates of learning that students with disabilities exhibit,
- Uses technology to assist students to reach their potential,
- Assists classroom teachers in providing necessary modifications for students to be successful,
- Is driven by student need not categorical label,
- Involves parents and partners in decision-making about their child's educational program, and
- Is a service not a place.
Accessing Special education forms
Student Services
Each District school has its own Student Services Team to support the social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs of students. School counselors, school psychologists, as well as the school social worker are all a part of these teams.
Director of Special Education & Student Services
Kelli Weiss-Golatke
(414) 351-7170, ext. 2175
Executive Assistant of Special Education and Student Services
Kaela Buraczewski
(414) 351-7170, ext. 2119